Is engineering changing? Take a look around and what do you see? A range of products and objects that have been engineered to succeed within their market. Every company or brand we engage with has engineering behind it. Engineering includes many different types of people and products, and isn't solely about mechanical engineering. This is where traditional perceptions are often misleading others. Men and women create the industry we have today Within UK manufacturing, there has been recent figures that show more previous attitudes, towards the industry, are beginning to divert and reflect the diverse roles engineers play. Although there is still a long way to go when it comes to changing these to a more open minded view of the potential opportunities many sectors have to offer. As a women, working within the manufacturing industry, it enlightens me when still, at this day and age, people are surprised that not only I have chosen this career choice, many other women have too. Manufacturing enables any driven and mechanically-orientated person to strive, grow and support the industry. With every new device or product, technology has reformed, tasks have been refined meaning the activity behind this has altered to improve. This skill in doing this is a tool and a career in manufacturing allows you to regularly grow your tools. Every new skill you gain, is another tool you have to provide; all of these are useful and will be the foundations to build upon as the demand for improved technology becomes stronger. Education Although there is equal women to men in some manufacturing environments, this isn't the case within education. The engineering industry is not taught in schools and we often see parents and teachers also lacking education about the industry. Is this something we would like to now change? As perceptions are changing. There are many campaigns led by government and the industry that challenge a number of the outdated misconceptions. Still, an outstanding 70% of companies struggle to recruit ideal candidates with the knowledge adequate for the advertised role. This has been an ongoing battle, although training integration has been implemented to overcome these issues and figures have shown that many candidates have secured a full time role as a result of this. Due to these actions, there are now several routes to entering the manufacturing world including apprenticeships, trainee roles and work experience. Therefore it is important to highlight that although many people do not have the relevant qualification, with passion and the thrive to learn, a career in the industry can be achieved. For many in primary education, secondary education and future career plans are incorporated to support and advise actions, especially when taking sixth-form options or college routes. Certain careers are more familiar than others, such as doctor, teacher or journalist, all well paid, strong career choices. These are just a few of the jobs that young people are more inclined to pursue. Many underestimate the stability and income potential within manufacturing though and often disregard before investigation. In fact, UK manufacturers are growing, collaborating and expanding, creating more job roles for young people to fill. This sector continues to pay well after an average earnings increase by 3% from 2013 to 2016, according to The Manufacturers Organisation fact card. To date, the average mechanical engineer earns £28,742 before tax, in comparison to a secondary school teacher on £27,890. Both career choices can excel to over £35,000 with experience as of so many other careers. These factors for pathways such as manufacturing need to be highlighted to benefit such growth in the industry. Skilled personnel decrease The demand for skilled personnel within our sector is growing with time. A quarter of a million skilled entrants is set to be needed by 2024. This along with a decreasing number of younger people choosing engineering as a career is alarming. The result of this shortcoming for the UK will mean that the 20,000 graduates needed every year, will not be met. To improve the inadequate work force due to growth, we need to grow awareness of the industry. We could do this by keeping a watchful eye on the decisions youngsters make whilst in education. Schools need to focus on curriculum, particularly the subjects that help one succeed within the manufacturing industry. Focusing and acknowledging the ones choosing these, it could help increase the numbers and the mix of genders entering the industry. As we all know, manufacturing was once thought as a males career choice, but today the result is far from this. Women are much a part of manufacturing as Men. With the relationship and monitoring between the industry and schools, there may well be an improved supply into engineering. Other aspects to consider Over the next ten years technological innovation will continue to rise at a rapid pace: the world will conjoin, individuals will hold a diverse array of skills and work alongside latest technology. We already recognise to what direction this will be, with 3D printing, virtual reality and artificial intelligence already manufactured or in prototype stage. With an upbringing of newer technologies, younger personnel already have the awareness and creativity to have an effect on the future. Engineering is having a constant vision on life, learning to improve that each and every day. What else can be done? As a young individual within the corporation, I see the potential of apprenticeships and academia. Although I do find that many young enthusiasts are lacking knowledge of the inside world and what is needed to become a part of the growth. With education and industry relationships, young people can be advised of educational routes to take that step. I would also advise anyone thinking about their engineering career to experience a working week by taking advantage of apprenticeships offered. Many youngsters are unaware that most manufacturing environments are growing alongside technology, to attract the younger audience and contend with the times. These younger minds, can help expand manufacturing pathways leading to greater technologies and products. It is an exciting environment to be in and many do not get a snippet of what choosing this career path holds. Engineering is so exciting and if there is a time to show that, it is now. Together, our shared aim is to advise and excite young people and parents about the diversity within the engineering industry, with the insight knowledge that both men and women, at all ages, can succeed and become a part of this ever growing industry. Opportunities at Brucom Distribution Ltd Brucom Distribution Ltd are a UK leading wiring harness and cable assembly manufacturer.
We are constantly growing our cable assembly and box build products to suit the needs of the industry. Due to an ongoing expansion, we often advertise career opportunities on our website. We have an established team here to support and guide you to an exciting career.